Rabbi Fern Feldman

My Offerings

I offer individual and group classes, and spiritual direction, in person, or by phone or Skype. I am also available to lead Shabbatons, workshops, services, life cycle and ritual events.

My work is eclectic and varied. I have a strong connection with traditional liturgy, nusach (chanted prayer melodies), Torah, and rabbinic text (most especially chassidut and Kabbalah). But I also explore and experiment a lot. I often combine text study with singing and visualization or hands-on practices. I guide people through experiences, and when I lead services or life cycle events for people who are not familiar with what we are doing, I invite people’s participation in a way that allows them to stay in their right brains. I craft what I am doing with a mind to the needs and desires of the people I am working with. For example, at times I may focus primarily on academic aspects, and at other times on more intuitive dimensions.

My teaching has included the following topics: Biblical and prayer book Hebrew, Torah and Hebrew Bible, Chassidic text and teachings, Kabbalah, feminist and queer perspectives in Judaism,  Jewish ethics, liturgy, developing an individual prayer practice, and synagogue skills, such as trope (chanting Torah) and nusach (chanting prayers) .